Transaction Types
The type of a transaction (TransactionType
field) is the most fundamental information about a transaction. This indicates what type of operation the transaction is supposed to do.
All transactions have certain fields in common:
Each transaction type has additional fields relevant to the type of action it causes.
- AccountDelete
- AccountSet
- AMMBid
- AMMClawback
- AMMCreate
- AMMDelete
- AMMDeposit
- AMMVote
- AMMWithdraw
- CredentialAccept
- CredentialCreate
- CredentialDelete
- CheckCancel
- CheckCash
- CheckCreate
- Clawback
- DepositPreauth
- DIDDelete
- DIDSet
- EscrowCancel
- EscrowCreate
- EscrowFinish
- LedgerStateFix
- MPTokenAuthorize
Allow an account to hold an amount of a particular MPT.
- MPTokenIssuanceCreate
Issue a new Multi-purpose Token.
- MPTokenIssuanceDestroy
Remove a Multi-purpose Token from the ledger.
- MPTokenIssuanceSet
Set mutable properties for an MPT.
- NFTokenAcceptOffer
- NFTokenBurn
- NFTokenCancelOffer
- NFTokenCreateOffer
- NFTokenMint
- NFTokenModify
- OfferCancel
- OfferCreate
- OracleDelete
Delete an existing price oracle.
- OracleSet
Create or update an existing price oracle.
- Payment
- PaymentChannelClaim
- PaymentChannelCreate
- PaymentChannelFund
- PermissionedDomainDelete
- PermissionedDomainSet
- SetRegularKey
- SignerListSet
- TicketCreate
- TrustSet
- XChainAccountCreateCommit
- XChainAddAccountCreateAttestation
- XChainAddClaimAttestation
- XChainClaim
- XChainCommit
- XChainCreateBridge
- XChainCreateClaimID
- XChainModifyBridge