Last updated



(Added by the AMM amendment)

Vote on the trading fee for an Automated Market Maker instance. Up to 8 accounts can vote in proportion to the amount of the AMM's LP Tokens they hold. Each new vote re-calculates the AMM's trading fee based on a weighted average of the votes.

Example AMMVote JSON

    "Account" : "rJVUeRqDFNs2xqA7ncVE6ZoAhPUoaJJSQm",
    "Asset" : {
        "currency" : "XRP"
    "Asset2" : {
        "currency" : "TST",
        "issuer" : "rP9jPyP5kyvFRb6ZiRghAGw5u8SGAmU4bd"
    "Fee" : "10",
    "Flags" : 2147483648,
    "Sequence" : 8,
    "TradingFee" : 600,
    "TransactionType" : "AMMVote"
Query example transaction

AMMVote Fields

In addition to the common fields, AMMVote transactions use the following fields:

FieldJSON TypeInternal TypeRequired?Description
AssetObjectSTIssueYesThe definition for one of the assets in the AMM's pool. The asset can be XRP, a token, or an MPT (see: Specifying Without Amounts).
Asset2ObjectSTIssueYesThe definition for the other asset in the AMM's pool. The asset can be XRP, a token, or an MPT (see: Specifying Without Amounts).
TradingFeeNumberUInt16YesThe proposed fee to vote for, in units of 1/100,000; a value of 1 is equivalent to 0.001%. The maximum value is 1000, indicating a 1% fee.

Error Cases

Besides errors that can occur for all transactions, AMMVote transactions can result in the following transaction result codes:

Error CodeDescription
tecAMM_EMPTYThe AMM has no assets in its pool. In this state, you can only delete the AMM or fund it with a new deposit.
tecAMM_INVALID_TOKENSThe sender cannot vote because they do not hold any of this AMM's LP Tokens.
tecAMM_FAILED_VOTEThere are already 8 votes from accounts that hold more LP Tokens than the sender of this transaction.
temBAD_FEEThe TradingFee from this transaction is not valid.
terNO_AMMThe Automated Market Maker instance for the asset pair in this transaction does not exist.