Last updated



(Added by the AMM amendment)

Vote on the trading fee for an Automated Market Maker instance. Up to 8 accounts can vote in proportion to the amount of the AMM's LP Tokens they hold. Each new vote re-calculates the AMM's trading fee based on a weighted average of the votes.

Example AMMVote JSON

    "Account" : "rJVUeRqDFNs2xqA7ncVE6ZoAhPUoaJJSQm",
    "Asset" : {
        "currency" : "XRP"
    "Asset2" : {
        "currency" : "TST",
        "issuer" : "rP9jPyP5kyvFRb6ZiRghAGw5u8SGAmU4bd"
    "Fee" : "10",
    "Flags" : 2147483648,
    "Sequence" : 8,
    "TradingFee" : 600,
    "TransactionType" : "AMMVote"
Query example transaction

AMMVote Fields

In addition to the common fields, AMMVote transactions use the following fields:

FieldJSON TypeInternal TypeRequired?Description
AssetObjectSTIssueYesThe definition for one of the assets in the AMM's pool. In JSON, this is an object with currency and issuer fields (omit issuer for XRP).
Asset2ObjectSTIssueYesThe definition for the other asset in the AMM's pool. In JSON, this is an object with currency and issuer fields (omit issuer for XRP).
TradingFeeNumberUInt16YesThe proposed fee to vote for, in units of 1/100,000; a value of 1 is equivalent to 0.001%. The maximum value is 1000, indicating a 1% fee.

Error Cases

Besides errors that can occur for all transactions, AMMVote transactions can result in the following transaction result codes:

Error CodeDescription
tecAMM_EMPTYThe AMM has no assets in its pool. In this state, you can only delete the AMM or fund it with a new deposit.
tecAMM_INVALID_TOKENSThe sender cannot vote because they do not hold any of this AMM's LP Tokens.
tecAMM_FAILED_VOTEThere are already 8 votes from accounts that hold more LP Tokens than the sender of this transaction.
temBAD_FEEThe TradingFee from this transaction is not valid.
terNO_AMMThe Automated Market Maker instance for the asset pair in this transaction does not exist.