
Ripple Charts Update: Payment Volume and Issued Value

Starting today, we are rolling out a small update to Ripple Charts that may seem minor but hopefully will have a big impact in the way we look at Ripple in the future.

On the Ripple Charts landing page we will be replacing two items:

1. "Transaction Volume" will be now changed to "Payment Volume"

We wanted to clearly distinguish that this number was specifically tracking payment transactions separate from any other transaction. Since the term transaction can mean many things in Ripple, we hope this adjustments makes things more clear.

payment charts screenshot

2. "Total Network Value" will be broken down into two separate numbers, "XRP Capitalization" and "Issued Value"

As we spend more and more effort around building liquid assets on the Network, we didn't want to specifically tie real fiat currency assets with the volatility of XRP.

As many users pointed out in the forums, "Total Network Value" often ranged quite a bit due to the large influence of XRP price. We believe that this new addition will allow us to watch our issued value grow on the network while still being able to track the value of XRP going forward as well.

issued charts screenshot

We’d like to thank all of our passionate fans who regularly use Ripple Charts. We love and appreciate your ongoing feedback given our commitment to improving the charts experience—not only from the perspective of user experience but also in a way that best reflects the evolving direction of Ripple Labs.