
orange waves

XRP Ledger上で一般的なユースケースを構築するためのコードサンプルを見ることができます

Introductory Code Samples

Connect to the XRP Ledger and query it for data.

Quickstart Samples

Create a test harness for XRPL features using JavaScript or Python.

Address Encoding

Encode XRP Ledger addresses in base58. (This reference implementation is equivalent to the ones included in most client libraries.)


Simulate how offers interact with each other and AMMs on the XRPL DEX.

Build a Browser Wallet

Implement a non-custodial wallet application that runs in a web browser and can check an account's balances, send XRP, and notify when the account receives incoming transactions.

Build a Wallet

Implement a non-custodial wallet application that runs on a desktop and can check an account's balances, send XRP, and notify when the account receives incoming transactions.

Create AMM

Code samples for the Create an Automated Market Maker tutorial , showing how to make set up a new AMM.

Create and Claim a Payment Channel

Create, claim and verify a Payment Channel.

Create, Update, and Delete Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)

Create, update, and delete decentralized identifiers (DIDs). A Decentralized Identifier (DID) is a new type of identifier defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that enables verifiable, digital identities.

Create, Update, and Delete Price Oracles

Create, update, and delete Price Oracles. A price oracle is a mechanism that feeds external data, such as asset prices, and exchange rates, onto the XRPLedger.

Credential Issuing Service

This sample code shows how to issue credentials to XRPL users using a basic API service.

Cryptographic Key Derivation

Derive secp256k1 or Ed25519 key pairs from seeds in any of the XRP Ledger's encodings and formats. (This implementation is equivalent to the ones included in most client libraries.)


Create, finish, and cancel Escrows using conditional or time-based release.


Freeze and unfreeze issued tokens, check freeze status, or give up the ability to freeze tokens.

Get a Transaction on the Ledger

Retrieve and display a transaction on the ledger.

Implement Reliable Transaction Submission

Send a transaction and see its validation response. For the implementation in this example, we have made the following decisions:

Issue a Fungible Token

Configure issuer settings and issue fungible tokens to another account.

Markers and Pagination

Iterate over a ledger_data method request that requires multiple calls.

Monitor Incoming Payments with WebSocket

Use the WebSocket protocol to watch for incoming payments to an XRP Ledger address, without using a client library.

Multisign a transaction.

Create and submit a SignerListSet and multisign a transaction.

NFT Examples

Various NFT-related actions. Also see the Quickstart Samples for more code related to NFT tutorials.

Normalize Currency Codes

Convert from a string from either the XRP Ledger's "standard" 3-character or "non-standard" 40-character hexadecimal format into a string for humans to read.

Require Destination Tags

Require incoming payments to specify a Destination Tag so you know whom to credit.

Secure Signing

Sign transactions from the security of your own machine.

Send Partial Payments

Send partial payments with money amount less than the amount specified on 2 conditions:

Send XRP

Send a direct XRP payment to another account in the XRP Ledger.

Submit and Verify

Submit a signed transaction blob and wait until it has a final result.


Create a Ticket and use it to send a transaction out of the usual Sequence order.

Trade in the Decentralized Exchange

Look up Offers in the Decentralized Exchange and buy a fungible token by spending XRP.

Transaction Serialization

Convert transactions and other XRPL data from JSON to their canonical binary format for signing or cryptographic verification. (This reference implementation is equivalent to the ones included in most client libraries.)

Use Checks

Create, cash, and cancel Checks for exact or flexible amounts.

Use Paths

Extract paths from RipplePathFind and send a payment using paths.

Use SetRegularKey

Use SetRegularKey to assign a key pair to a wallet and make a payment signed using the regular key wallet.

Verify Credential

Check whether a specific account holds a specific credential, and the credential is currently valid.








