
The Most (Demonstrably) Scalable Blockchain

Blockchain technology is set to fundamentally transform the way the world moves value, but to do so, it must first meet a number of challenges.

In previous posts on this blog, we have highlighted our engineering practices and how they help us built robust and secure software—an important consideration for these new systems.

The ability to handle volume is equally important, and today, we are sharing some more details about that aspect of our process. In a feature article about the XRP Ledger on High Scalability—the premiere news source about scalable, high performance Internet applications—we are proud to talk about our development and benchmarking practices and to discuss the data-driven changes we made to increase transaction throughput by a factor of 10 since we began performance testing.

The XRP Ledger has been designed from the ground up with scalability in mind and the underlying architecture has only been improved over time. As our data shows, the XRP Ledger is now capable of sustaining a throughput of 1,500 transactions per second on commodity hardware.

We hope that this will be the first article in a series highlighting our continued efforts to scale the performance of the XRP Ledger to meet not only the demands of the present, but of the future as we help the Internet of Value take shape.