
Release Notes (29 October 2014)

Curated release notes will be posted on this blog and will include updates from every active project. Specifically we will post and link to any new release notes, open bounties, and upcoming features.

We hope you find these useful! Please let us know if you have feedback in the comments.

Rippled [Release Notes | Github | Issue Tracking]

No releases

Ripple-lib [Release Notes | Github | Issue Tracking]

Released version 0.9.0 0.9.0

  • Add routes to the vault client for KYC attestations (ed2da574)
  • Currency: add show_interest flag to show or hide interest in Currency.to_human() andCurrency.to_json() Example use in tests
  • Configurable maxAttempts for transaction submission (d107092)
  • Binformat: added missing TransactionResult options (6abed8d)
  • Breaking change: make maxLoops in seed.get_key optional. Example use in tests(23e473b)
  • Shrinkwrap packages for dependency locking (2dcd5f9)
  • Fix: Amount.to_human() precision bugs (4be209e and 7708c64)
  • Fix: change handling of requestLedger options (57b7030)

Ripple Charts [Github (frontend) | Github (backend) | Issue Tracking]

  • Added date picker to staging, launching to production soon
  • Massive pull request outlining upcoming features

Open bounties

Ripple Client [Release Notes | Github | Issue Tracking]

www.rippletrade.com - released version 1.0.11 1.0.11

  • Numbers after decimals are getting rounded now, not truncated
  • Snapswap USD funding flow (hidden)
  • GBI gateway discovery
  • l10n fixes
  • Roll back pathfinding changes
  • new txQueue mechanism
  • UI cleanup
  • When logged in on multiple tabs, if you sign out/in on one tab, sign out/in on the other tab

Open bounties

Ripple-Rest [Release Notes | Github | Issue Tracking]

Released version 1.3.0-rc5 1.3.0-rc5

  • Freeze support (pull 167 and pull 178)
  • Memo field support (pull 154)
  • Add destination_amount_submitted and source_amount_submitted to Payment (0d3599b and67134e3)
  • New endpoint to generate an address/secret pair, /wallet/new
  • Expose router and remote as RippleRestPlugin to use as a plugin for other modules
  • Log all connected servers, add reconnect to servers on SIGHUP