
Release Notes (3 December 2014)

Curated release notes will be posted on this blog and will include updates from every active project. Specifically we will post and link to any new release notes, open bounties, and upcoming features.

Codius [Github]

  • New website and documentation - check it out!

Ripple-Rest [Release Notes | Github | Issue Tracking]

Released version 1.3.2-rc1

  • Add place and cancel order functionality d80d198
  • Support paging behavior for balances and trustlines 6980ab7
  • Fix parameter discrepancy, *_froze_line -> *_trustline_frozen 2701c0b and a8aeeec
  • Add tests to show use of complex currencies 9c5412f

Rippled [Release Notes | Github | Issue Tracking]

No new releases

Ripple-lib [Release Notes | Github | Issue Tracking]

No new releases

Ripple Client [Release Notes | Github | Issue Tracking]

No new releases