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Ledger Entry Common Fields


Every entry in a ledger's state data has the same set of common fields, plus additional fields based on the ledger entry type. Field names are case-sensitive. The common fields for all ledger entries are:

FieldJSON TypeInternal TypeRequired?Description
index or LedgerIndexStringHash256NoThe unique ID for this ledger entry. In JSON, this field is represented with different names depending on the context and API method. (Note, even though this is specified as "optional" in the code, every ledger entry should have one unless it's legacy data from very early in the XRP Ledger's history.)
LedgerEntryTypeStringUInt16YesThe type of ledger entry. Valid ledger entry types include AccountRoot, Offer, RippleState, and others.
FlagsNumberUInt32YesSet of bit-flags for this ledger entry.

In JSON, the ledger entry ID is in the index or LedgerIndex field. This is not the same as a ledger index in the ledger_index field.

Ledger Entry ID


Each ledger entry has a unique ID. The ID is derived by hashing important contents of the entry, along with a namespace identifier. The ledger entry type determines the namespace identifier to use and which contents to include in the hash. This ensures every ID is unique. The hash function is SHA-512Half.

Generally, a ledger entry's ID is returned as the index field in JSON, at the same level as the object's contents. In transaction metadata, the ledger object's ID in JSON is LedgerIndex.

Offer directories have special IDs, where part of the hash is replaced with the exchange rate of Offers in that directory.

Special Indexes for Offer Directoriesfx ratefx rateUnique Object IDSHA512Halfhash functionSpacekeyKey inputs


Flags are on/off settings, which are represented as binary values that are combined into a single number using bitwise-OR operations. The bit values for the flags in ledger entries are different than the values used to enable or disable those flags in a transaction. Ledger state flags have names that begin with lsf.

The possible values for the flags field vary based on the ledger entry type. Some ledger entry types have no flags defined. In these cases, the Flags field always has the value 0.