Broker an NFT Sale Using JavaScript
Earlier examples showed how to make buy and sell offers directly between two accounts. Another option is to use a third account as a broker for the sale. The broker acts on behalf of the NFT owner. The seller creates an offer with the broker account as its destination. The broker gathers and evaluates buy offers and chooses which one to accept, adding an agreed-upon fee for arranging the sale. When the broker account accepts a sell offer with a buy offer, the funds and ownership of the NFT are transferred simultaneously, completing the deal. This allows an account to act as a marketplace or personal agent for NFT creators and traders.
This example shows how to:
- Create a brokered sell offer.
- Get a list of offers for the brokered item.
- Broker a sale between two different accounts.
You can download the Quickstart Samples archive to try each of the samples in your own browser.
Get Accounts
- Open
in a browser. - Choose your ledger instance.
- Get test accounts.
- If you have existing account seeds:
- Paste 3 account seeds in the Seeds field.
- Click Get Accounts from Seeds.
- If you do not have account seeds:
- Click Get New Standby Account.
- Click Get New Operational Account.
- Click Get New Broker Account
- If you have existing account seeds:
Prepare a Brokered Transaction
- Use the Standby account to create an NFT Sell Offer with the Broker account as the destination.
- Enter the Amount of the sell offer in drops (millionths of an XRP).
- Set the Flags field to 1.
- Enter the NFT ID of the NFT you want to sell.
- Optionally, enter a number of days until Expiration.
- Enter the Broker account number as the Destination.
- Click Create Sell Offer.
- Use the Operational account to create an NFT Buy Offer.
- Enter the Amount of your offer.
- Enter the NFT ID.
- Enter the owner’s account string in the Owner field.
- Optionally enter the number of days until Expiration.
- Click Create Buy Offer.
Get Offers
- Enter the NFT ID.
- Click Get Offers.
Broker the Sale
- Copy the nft_offer_index of the sell offer and paste it in the Sell NFT Offer Index field.
- Copy the nft_offer_index of the buy offer and paste it in the Buy NFT Offer Index field.
- Enter a Broker Fee, in drops.
- Click Broker Sale.
Cancel Offer
After accepting a buy offer, a best practice for the broker is to cancel all other offers, if the broker has permissions to do so. Use Get Offers to get the full list of buy offers. To cancel an offer:
- Enter the nft_offer_index of the buy offer you want to cancel in the Buy NFT Offer Index field.
- Click Cancel Offer.
Code Walkthrough
You can download the Quickstart Samples archive to examine the code samples.
This script has new functions for brokered transactions and revised functions to support a third account on the same screen.
Broker Get Offers
// *******************************************************
// *************** Broker Get Offers *********************
// *******************************************************
async function brGetOffers() {
Connect to the ledger.
let net = getNet()
const client = new xrpl.Client(net)
results = 'Connecting to ' + getNet() + '...'
brokerResultField.value = results
await client.connect()
results += '\nConnected. Getting offers...'
brokerResultField.value = results
Request the list of sell offers for the token.
results += '\n\n***Sell Offers***\n'
let nftSellOffers
try {
nftSellOffers = await client.request({
method: "nft_sell_offers",
nft_id: brokerTokenIdField.value
} catch (err) {
nftSellOffers = 'No sell offers.'
results += JSON.stringify(nftSellOffers,null,2)
brokerResultField.value = results
Request the list of buy offers for the token.
results += '\n\n***Buy Offers***\n'
let nftBuyOffers
try {
nftBuyOffers = await client.request({
method: "nft_buy_offers",
nft_id: brokerTokenIdField.value
} catch (err) {
nftBuyOffers = 'No buy offers.'
results += JSON.stringify(nftBuyOffers,null,2)
brokerResultField.value = results
Disconnect from the ledger.
}// End of brGetOffers()
Broker Sale
async function brokerSale() {
Connect to the ledger and get the accounts.
const standby_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(standbySeedField.value)
const operational_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(operationalSeedField.value)
const broker_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed (brokerSeedField.value)
let net = getNet()
const client = new xrpl.Client(net)
results = 'Connecting to ' + getNet() + '...'
brokerResultField.value = results
await client.connect()
results += '\nConnected. Brokering sale...'
brokerResultField.value = results
Prepare the transaction. The difference between a brokered sale and a direct sale is that you provide both a sell offer and a buy offer, with an agreed-upon broker's fee.
const transactionBlob = {
"TransactionType": "NFTokenAcceptOffer",
"Account": broker_wallet.classicAddress,
"NFTokenSellOffer": brokerTokenSellOfferIndexField.value,
"NFTokenBuyOffer": brokerTokenBuyOfferIndexField.value,
"NFTokenBrokerFee": brokerBrokerFeeField.value
Submit the transaction and wait for the results.
const tx = await client.submitAndWait(transactionBlob,{wallet: broker_wallet})
Report the results.
results += "\n\nTransaction result:\n" +
JSON.stringify(tx.result.meta.TransactionResult, null, 2)
results += "\nBalance changes:\n" +
JSON.stringify(xrpl.getBalanceChanges(tx.result.meta), null, 2)
operationalBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(operational_wallet.address))
standbyBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(standby_wallet.address))
brokerBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(broker_wallet.address))
brokerResultField.value = results
Disconnect from the ledger.
}// End of brokerSale()
Broker Cancel Offer
// *******************************************************
// ************* Broker Cancel Offer ****************
// *******************************************************
async function brCancelOffer() {
Get the broker account and connect to the ledger.
const wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(brokerSeedField.value)
let net = getNet()
const client = new xrpl.Client(net)
results = 'Connecting to ' + getNet() + '...'
brokerResultField.value = results
await client.connect()
results += "\nConnected. Cancelling offer..."
brokerResultField.value = results
The Token ID must be converted to an array.
const tokenOfferIDs = [brokerTokenBuyOfferIndexField.value]
Prepare the transaction.
const transactionBlob = {
"TransactionType": "NFTokenCancelOffer",
"Account": wallet.classicAddress,
"NFTokenOffers": tokenOfferIDs
Submit the transaction and wait for the results.
const tx = await client.submitAndWait(transactionBlob,{wallet})
Get the sell offers and report the results.
results += "\n\n***Sell Offers***\n"
let nftSellOffers
try {
nftSellOffers = await client.request({
method: "nft_sell_offers",
nft_id: brokerTokenBuyOfferIndexField.value
} catch (err) {
nftSellOffers = "No sell offers."
results += JSON.stringify(nftSellOffers,null,2)
Get the buy offers and report the results.
results += "\n\n***Buy Offers***\n"
let nftBuyOffers
try {
nftBuyOffers = await client.request({
method: "nft_buy_offers",
nft_id: brokerTokenBuyOfferIndexField.value })
} catch (err) {
nftBuyOffers = "No buy offers."
results += JSON.stringify(nftBuyOffers,null,2)
Report the transaction results.
results += "\nTransaction result:\n" +
JSON.stringify(tx.result.meta.TransactionResult, null, 2)
results += "\nBalance changes:\n" +
JSON.stringify(xrpl.getBalanceChanges(tx.result.meta), null, 2)
document.getElementById('brokerResultField').value = results
Disconnect from the ledger.
}// End of brCancelOffer()
Get Account
To accommodate the broker account, override the getAccount(type)
function to watch for the broker type.
// ***************************************************************************
// ************** Revised Functions ******************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// *******************************************************
// ************* Get Account *****************************
// *******************************************************
async function getAccount(type) {
Connect to the ledger.
let net = getNet()
const client = new xrpl.Client(net)
results = 'Connecting to ' + net + '....'
Get the correct network host.
let net = getNet()
const client = new xrpl.Client(net)
results = 'Connecting to ' + net + '....'
let faucetHost = null
if (type == 'standby') {
standbyResultField.value = results
if (type == 'operational') {
operationalResultField.value = results
if (type == 'broker') {
brokerResultField.value = results
Connect to the ledger.
await client.connect()
results += '\nConnected, funding wallet.'
if (type == 'standby') {
standbyResultField.value = results
if (type == 'operational') {
operationalResultField.value = results
if (type == 'broker') {
brokerResultField.value = results
Create and fund a test account and report progress.
const my_wallet = (await client.fundWallet(null, { faucetHost })).wallet
results += '\nGot a wallet.'
if (type == 'standby') {
standbyResultField.value = results
if (type == 'operational') {
operationalResultField.value = results
if (type == 'broker') {
brokerResultField.value = results
Get the XRP balance for the new account.
const my_balance = (await client.getXrpBalance(my_wallet.address))
Populate the form fields for the appropriate account with the new account information.
if (type == 'standby') {
standbyAccountField.value = my_wallet.address
standbyPubKeyField.value = my_wallet.publicKey
standbyPrivKeyField.value = my_wallet.privateKey
standbyBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(my_wallet.address))
standbySeedField.value = my_wallet.seed
results += '\nStandby account created.'
standbyResultField.value = results
if (type == 'operational') {
operationalAccountField.value = my_wallet.address
operationalPubKeyField.value = my_wallet.publicKey
operationalPrivKeyField.value = my_wallet.privateKey
operationalSeedField.value = my_wallet.seed
operationalBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(my_wallet.address))
results += '\nOperational account created.'
operationalResultField.value = results
if (type == 'broker') {
brokerAccountField.value = my_wallet.address
brokerPubKeyField.value = my_wallet.publicKey
brokerPrivKeyField.value = my_wallet.privateKey
brokerSeedField.value = my_wallet.seed
brokerBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(my_wallet.address))
results += '\nBroker account created.'
brokerResultField.value = results
Add the new account seed to corresponding line in the Account Seeds field.
seeds.value = standbySeedField.value + '\n' + operationalSeedField.value + "\n" +
Disconnect from the ledger.
} // End of getAccount()
Get Accounts from Seeds
Override the getAccountsFromSeeds()
function to include the broker account fields.
async function getAccountsFromSeeds() {
Connect to the ledger.
let net = getNet()
const client = new xrpl.Client(net)
results = 'Connecting to ' + getNet() + '....'
standbyResultField.value = results
await client.connect()
results += '\nConnected, finding wallets.\n'
standbyResultField.value = results
Use the split
function to parse the values from the Seeds field.
var lines = seeds.value.split('\n');
Derive the accounts from the seed values.
const standby_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(lines[0])
const operational_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(lines[1])
const broker_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(lines[2])
Get the XRP balances for the accounts.
const standby_balance = (await client.getXrpBalance(standby_wallet.address))
const operational_balance = (await client.getXrpBalance(operational_wallet.address))
const broker_balance = (await client.getXrpBalance(broker_wallet.address))
Populate the form fields based on the account values.
standbyAccountField.value = standby_wallet.address
standbyPubKeyField.value = standby_wallet.publicKey
standbyPrivKeyField.value = standby_wallet.privateKey
standbySeedField.value = standby_wallet.seed
standbyBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(standby_wallet.address))
operationalAccountField.value = operational_wallet.address
operationalPubKeyField.value = operational_wallet.publicKey
operationalPrivKeyField.value = operational_wallet.privateKey
operationalSeedField.value = operational_wallet.seed
operationalBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(operational_wallet.address))
brokerAccountField.value = broker_wallet.address
brokerPubKeyField.value = broker_wallet.publicKey
brokerPrivKeyField.value = broker_wallet.privateKey
brokerSeedField.value = broker_wallet.seed
brokerBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(broker_wallet.address))
Disconnect from the ledger.
Use the getBalances()
function to get the current balances of fiat currency.
} // End of getAccountsFromSeeds()
Get Balances
Override the getBalances()
function to include the broker balance.
// *******************************************************
// ****************** Get Balances ***********************
// *******************************************************
async function getBalances() {
Connect with the ledger.
let net = getNet()
const client = new xrpl.Client(net)
results = 'Connecting to ' + getNet() + '....'
document.getElementById('standbyResultField').value = results
await client.connect()
results += '\nConnected.'
document.getElementById('standbyResultField').value = results
Derive each of the three accounts.
const standby_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(standbySeedField.value)
const operational_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(operationalSeedField.value)
const broker_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(brokerSeedField.value)
Get and report the Standby account balances.
results = "\nGetting standby account balances...\n"
const standby_balances = await client.request({
command: "gateway_balances",
account: standby_wallet.address,
ledger_index: "validated",
hotwallet: [operational_wallet.address]
results += JSON.stringify(standby_balances.result, null, 2)
standbyResultField.value = results
Get and report the Operational account balances.
results= "\nGetting operational account balances...\n"
const operational_balances = await client.request({
command: "account_lines",
account: operational_wallet.address,
ledger_index: "validated"
results += JSON.stringify(operational_balances.result, null, 2)
operationalResultField.value = results
Get and report the Broker account balances.
results= "\nGetting broker account balances...\n"
const broker_balances = await client.request({
command: "account_lines",
account: broker_wallet.address,
ledger_index: "validated"
results += JSON.stringify(broker_balances.result, null, 2)
brokerResultField.value = results
Update the XRP balances for the three accounts.
operationalBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(operational_wallet.address))
standbyBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(standby_wallet.address))
brokerBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(broker_wallet.address))
Disconnect from the ledger.
} // end of getBalances()
Revise the HTML form to add a new Broker section at the top.
<title>Token Test Harness</title>
<link href=' Sans' rel='stylesheet'>
body{font-family: "Work Sans", sans-serif;padding: 20px;background: #fafafa;}
h1{font-weight: bold;}
input, button {padding: 6px;margin-bottom: 8px;}
button{font-weight: bold;font-family: "Work Sans", sans-serif;}
td{vertical-align: middle;}
<script src='[email protected]/build/xrpl-latest-min.js'></script>
<script src='ripplex1-send-xrp.js'></script>
<script src='ripplex2-send-currency.js'></script>
<script src='ripplex3-mint-nfts.js'></script>
<script src='ripplex4-transfer-nfts.js'></script>
<script src='ripplex5-broker-nfts.js'></script>
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {
const xrpl = require('xrpl')
<!-- ************************************************************** -->
<!-- ********************** The Form ****************************** -->
<!-- ************************************************************** -->
<h1>Token Test Harness</h1>
<form id="theForm">
Choose your ledger instance:
<input type="radio" id="tn" name="server"
value="wss://" checked>
<label for="testnet">Testnet</label>
<input type="radio" id="dn" name="server"
<label for="devnet">Devnet</label>
<button type="button" onClick="getAccountsFromSeeds()">Get Accounts From Seeds</button>
<textarea id="seeds" cols="40" rows= "3"></textarea>
<table align="center">
<tr valign="top">
<button type="button" onClick="getAccount('broker')">Get New Broker Account</button>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right">
Broker Account
<input type="text" id="brokerAccountField" size="40"></input>
<button type="button" id="another" onclick="brokerSale()">Broker Sale</button>
<td rowspan="7">
<textarea id="brokerResultField" cols="40" rows="12"></textarea>
<td align="right">
Public Key
<input type="text" id="brokerPubKeyField" size="40"></input>
<button type="button" onClick="brGetOffers()">Get Offers</button>
<td align="right">
Private Key
<input type="text" id="brokerPrivKeyField" size="40"></input>
<button type="button" onClick="brCancelOffer()">Cancel Offer</button>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="brokerSeedField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
XRP Balance
<input type="text" id="brokerBalanceField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="brokerAmountField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">NFT ID</td>
<td><input type="text" id="brokerTokenIdField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Sell NFT Offer Index</td>
<td><input type="text" id="brokerTokenSellOfferIndexField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Buy NFT Offer Index</td>
<td><input type="text" id="brokerTokenBuyOfferIndexField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Owner</td>
<td><input type="text" id="brokerOwnerField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Broker Fee</td>
<td><input type="text" id="brokerBrokerFeeField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<tr valign="top">
<tr valign="top">
<button type="button" onClick="getAccount('standby')">Get New Standby Account</button>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right">
Standby Account
<input type="text" id="standbyAccountField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Public Key
<input type="text" id="standbyPubKeyField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Private Key
<input type="text" id="standbyPrivKeyField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="standbySeedField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
XRP Balance
<input type="text" id="standbyBalanceField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="standbyAmountField" size="40"></input>
<tr valign="top">
<td><button type="button" onClick="configureAccount('standby',document.querySelector('#standbyDefault').checked)">Configure Account</button></td>
<input type="checkbox" id="standbyDefault" checked="true"/>
<label for="standbyDefault">Allow Rippling</label>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="standbyCurrencyField" size="40" value="USD"></input>
<td align="right">NFT URL</td>
<td><input type="text" id="standbyTokenUrlField"
value = "ipfs://bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf4dfuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi" size="80"/>
<td align="right">Flags</td>
<td><input type="text" id="standbyFlagsField" value="1" size="10"/></td>
<td align="right">NFT ID</td>
<td><input type="text" id="standbyTokenIdField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">NFT Offer Index</td>
<td><input type="text" id="standbyTokenOfferIndexField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Owner</td>
<td><input type="text" id="standbyOwnerField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Destination</td>
<td><input type="text" id="standbyDestinationField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Expiration</td>
<td><input type="text" id="standbyExpirationField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Transfer Fee</td>
<td><input type="text" id="standbyTransferFeeField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<p align="left">
<textarea id="standbyResultField" cols="80" rows="20" ></textarea>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center" valign="top">
<button type="button" onClick="sendXRP()">Send XRP></button>
<button type="button" onClick="createTrustline()">Create TrustLine</button>
<button type="button" onClick="sendCurrency()">Send Currency</button>
<button type="button" onClick="getBalances()">Get Balances</button>
<button type="button" onClick="mintToken()">Mint NFT</button>
<button type="button" onClick="getTokens()">Get NFTs</button>
<button type="button" onClick="burnToken()">Burn NFT</button>
<button type="button" onClick="createSellOffer()">Create Sell Offer</button>
<button type="button" onClick="acceptSellOffer()">Accept Sell Offer</button>
<button type="button" onClick="createBuyOffer()">Create Buy Offer</button>
<button type="button" onClick="acceptBuyOffer()">Accept Buy Offer</button>
<button type="button" onClick="getOffers()">Get Offers</button>
<button type="button" onClick="cancelOffer()">Cancel Offer</button>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<button type="button" onClick="oPsendXRP()">< Send XRP</button>
<button type="button" onClick="oPcreateTrustline()">Create TrustLine</button>
<button type="button" onClick="oPsendCurrency()">Send Currency</button>
<button type="button" onClick="getBalances()">Get Balances</button>
<button type="button" onClick="oPmintToken()">Mint NFT</button>
<button type="button" onClick="oPgetTokens()">Get NFTs</button>
<button type="button" onClick="oPburnToken()">Burn NFT</button>
<button type="button" onClick="oPcreateSellOffer()">Create Sell Offer</button>
<button type="button" onClick="oPacceptSellOffer()">Accept Sell Offer</button>
<button type="button" onClick="oPcreateBuyOffer()">Create Buy Offer</button>
<button type="button" onClick="oPacceptBuyOffer()">Accept Buy Offer</button>
<button type="button" onClick="oPgetOffers()">Get Offers</button>
<button type="button" onClick="oPcancelOffer()">Cancel Offer</button>
<td valign="top" align="right">
<button type="button" onClick="getAccount('operational')">Get New Operational Account</button>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right">
Operational Account
<input type="text" id="operationalAccountField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Public Key
<input type="text" id="operationalPubKeyField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Private Key
<input type="text" id="operationalPrivKeyField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="operationalSeedField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
XRP Balance
<input type="text" id="operationalBalanceField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="operationalAmountField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right"> <input type="checkbox" id="operationalDefault" checked="true"/>
<label for="operationalDefault">Allow Rippling</label>
<button type="button" onClick="configureAccount('operational',document.querySelector('#operationalDefault').checked)">Configure Account</button>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="operationalCurrencyField" size="40" value="USD"></input>
<td align="right">NFT URL</td>
<td><input type="text" id="operationalTokenUrlField"
value = "ipfs://bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf4dfuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi" size="80"/>
<td align="right">Flags</td>
<td><input type="text" id="operationalFlagsField" value="1" size="10"/></td>
<td align="right">NFT ID</td>
<td><input type="text" id="operationalTokenIdField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">NFT Offer Index</td>
<td><input type="text" id="operationalTokenOfferIndexField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Owner</td>
<td><input type="text" id="operationalOwnerField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Destination</td>
<td><input type="text" id="operationalDestinationField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Expiration</td>
<td><input type="text" id="operationalExpirationField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<td align="right">Transfer Fee</td>
<td><input type="text" id="operationalTransferFeeField" value="" size="80"/></td>
<p align="right">
<textarea id="operationalResultField" cols="80" rows="20" ></textarea>