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Dynamic Non-Fungible Tokens (dNFTs)

Standard NFTs are immutable. Some use cases would benefit from the capability to update the referenced data object after the initial minting of an NFT. For example, a concert ticket for a postponed event could be updated with an alternate date, or a virtual trading card for an athlete could be periodically updated with current statistics. Dynamic Non-Fungible Tokens (dNFTs) provide the flexibility required for these use cases.

Creating a dNFT

When minting a new NFT, set the tfMutable flag (0x00000010) to enable the ability to update the NFT's URI field.

Modifying a dNFT

Use the NFTokenModify transaction to update the URI field of a dNFT. Provide the Account of the issuer or an authorized minter, the Owner of the dNFT (if different than the Account address), the NFTokenID, and the URI to the new object data.

Sample NFTokenModify Transaction

  "TransactionType": "NFTokenModify",
  "Account": "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
  "Owner": "rogue5HnPRSszD9CWGSUz8UGHMVwSSKF6",
  "Fee": "10",
  "Sequence": 33,
  "NFTokenID": 0008C350C182B4F213B82CCFA4C6F59AD76F0AFCFBDF04D5A048C0A300000007",
  "URI": "697066733A2F2F62616679626569636D6E73347A736F6C686C6976346C746D6E356B697062776373637134616C70736D6C6179696970666B73746B736D3472746B652F5665742E706E67",