Last updated

Capacity Planning

This document describes configuration, network, and hardware recommendations that you can use to tune and optimize the performance of an XRP Ledger server.

The load on an XRP Ledger server varies based on multiple factors. One is the activity in the network. The total size of data in the shared ledger and the total volume of transactions being sent vary based on organic factors throughout the global XRP Ledger community. Another factor is API usage; different types of API calls put different load on the server. The performance characteristics can be very different between servers that provide a public API, provide a private API to specific integration software, or provide no API at all.

You should consider these factors to ensure that your server has the capacity to handle XRP Ledger network activity today and in the future.

Configuration Settings

The default configuration file contains settings for a broad range of common use cases. You can get better performance by customizing the settings for your specific hardware and intended usage pattern.

The settings in this section are parameters in the rippled.cfg file. You can access an example config file, rippled-example.cfg, in the cfg directory in the rippled GitHub repo. The settings in the example config file match the default config installed alongside the server.

Node Size

The [node_size] parameter should match the overall hardware capacity of your server. You can omit this parameter to have the server automatically choose an appropriate setting based on the system's total RAM and number of CPU threads. You can set this value explicitly if the automatic setting is wrong for your system, for example if some of the system's RAM or threads need to be set aside for other software, or the amounts reported by the operating system are inaccurate. (This can occur in some containers.) Updated in: rippled 1.8.1

As a general rule, you should always use the largest node size your available RAM can support. See the following table for recommended settings.


Each [node_size] has a corresponding requirement for available RAM. For example, if you set [node_size] to huge, you should have at least 32 GB of available RAM to help ensure that rippled can run smoothly.

To tune your server, it may be useful to start with tiny and increase the size to small, medium, and so on as you refine the requirements for your use case.

RAM availablenode_size valueNotes
< 8 GBtinyNot recommended. A server with this setting may not sync to a busy network.
8 GBsmallRecommended for test servers that only need to run occasionally.
16 GBmediumThe rippled-example.cfg file uses this value.
32 GBlargeNot recommended. In practice, this setting performs worse than huge in most circumstances. Always use huge if you want stability.
64 GBhugeRecommended for production servers.

If you set the [node_size] parameter to an invalid value, the server fails to start.

Node DB Type

The type field in the [node_db] stanza of the rippled.cfg file sets the type of key-value store that rippled uses to hold the ledger store.

For almost all purposes, use NuDB. A fast SSD is required. Learn more

The RocksDB setting is available for legacy purposes, but is generally not recommended. Learn more

The example rippled-example.cfg file has the type field in the [node_db] stanza set to NuDB.

More About Using RocksDB

RocksDB is a persistent key-value store built into rippled. Support for RocksDB is considered legacy. Servers using RocksDB usually struggle to maintain sync with the Mainnet due to the memory requirements of maintaining a large database. Generally, you should use NuDB instead.

Cases where you might use RocksDB include if you need to load historical data saved in RocksDB format, or if you are storing data on slow SSDs or rotational disks. While rotational disks won't be able to keep up with Mainnet, you can probably run offline tests or small private networks on them.

RocksDB has performance-related configuration options that you can tweak for more transaction processing throughput. Here is an example [node_db] configuration for RocksDB:


(Adjust the path to the directory where you want to keep the ledger store on disk. Adjust the online_delete and advisory_delete settings as desired for your configuration.)

More About Using NuDB

NuDB is an append-only key-value store that is optimized for SSD drives.

NuDB has nearly constant performance and memory footprints regardless of the amount of data being stored. NuDB requires a solid-state drive. Scalability testing has shown that NuDB has equivalent or better performance than RocksDB in production and comparable configurations.

Production servers should be configured to use NuDB and to store the amount of historical data required for your use case.

NuDB does not have performance-related configuration options available in rippled.cfg. Here is the recommended [node_db] configuration for a rippled server using NuDB:


Adjust the path to the directory where you want to keep the ledger store on disk. Adjust the online_delete and advisory_delete settings as desired for your configuration. For more details about these settings, see Configure Online Deletion and Configure Advisory Deletion.

Log Level

The example rippled-example.cfg file sets the logging verbosity to warning in the [rpc_startup] stanza. This setting greatly reduces disk space and I/O requirements over more verbose logging. However, more verbose logging provides increased visibility for troubleshooting.

If you omit the log_level command from the [rpc_startup] stanza, the server writes logs to disk at the debug level and outputs warning level logs to the console. Logging at the debug level requires several more GB of disk space per day than warning level, depending on transaction volumes and client activity.

Network and Hardware

Each server in the XRP Ledger network performs all of the transaction processing work of the network. Total activity on the network varies but has mostly increased over time, so you should choose hardware with greater capacity than you need for the current network activity.


See System Requirements for a summary of the recommended hardware specs.

CPU Utilization and Virtualization

You'll get the best performance on bare metal, but virtual machines can perform nearly as well as long as the host hardware has high enough specs.

Disk Speed

The speed of storage is one of the most important factors in a server's capacity. Use a high-grade solid state disk drive (SSD) with low-latency random reads and high throughput. Ripple engineers have observed the following maximum reads and writes per second:

  • Over 10,000 reads per second (in heavily-used public server clusters)
  • Over 7,000 writes per second (in dedicated performance testing)

Disk Space

The [node_db] stanza controls the server's ledger store, which holds ledger history. The amount of disk space you need depends on how much history you plan to keep available locally. An XRP Ledger server does not need to store more than the most recent 256 ledger versions to follow the consensus process and report the complete state of the ledger, but you can only query your server for transactions that executed in ledger versions it has stored locally. Configure the path of the [node_db] to point to your chosen storage location for the ledger store.

You can control how much data you keep with online deletion; the default config file has the server keep the latest 2000 ledger versions. Without online deletion, the server's disk requirements grow without bounds.

The following table approximates the requirements for different amounts of history, at the time of writing (2023-07-19):

Real Time AmountNumber of Ledger VersionsDisk Space Required (NuDB)
2 hours2,000450 MB
1 day25,00012 GB
14 days350,000168 GB
30 days750,000360 GB
90 days2,250,0001 TB
1 year10,000,0004.5 TB
2 years20,000,0009 TB
Full history81,000,000+~26 TB

These numbers are estimates. They depend on several factors, most importantly the volume of transactions in the network. As transaction volume increases, each ledger version stores more unique data. You should provision extra storage capacity to prepare for future growth.

The online_delete setting tells the server how many ledger versions to keep after deleting old history. You should plan for enough disk space to store twice that many ledger versions at maximum (right before online deletion runs).

For instructions on how to change the amount of history you keep, see Configure Online Deletion.

The [database_path] configures separate bookkeeping databases: these include transaction data as well as some runtime configurations.

As a general rule, you can safely delete the database files (both the ledger store and the bookkeeping databases) for a rippled server when it isn't running; this clears any stored ledger history the server has, but it can re-acquire that data from the network. However, if you delete the wallet.db file in the [database_path], you must manually reapply runtime configuration changes such as amendment votes and peer reservations.

If you want to contribute to storing ledger history but you do not have enough disk space to store full history, you can use the History Sharding feature to store a randomized range of ledgers in a separate shard store. History sharding is configured in the [shard_db] stanza.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a popular virtualized hosting environment. You can run rippled in AWS, but do not use Elastic Block Storage (EBS). See System Requirements.

AWS instance stores (ephemeral storage) provide suitable performance, but you may lose data in some circumstances, including when you start/stop an instance. This may be acceptable, since an individual XRP Ledger server can usually re-acquire lost ledger history from its peers. Configuration settings should be stored on more permanent storage.

Make sure the path of your [node_db] stanza and your [database_path] both point to the appropriate storage.


Memory requirements are mainly a function of the node_size configuration setting and the amount of client traffic retrieving historical data. For more information about memory requirements, see Node Size.


Any enterprise or carrier-class data center should have enough network bandwidth to support running XRP Ledger servers. The actual bandwidth necessary varies significantly based on the current transaction volume in the network. Server behavior (such as backfilling ledger history) also affects network use. Consumer-grade home internet is generally not enough to run a reliable server.

During exceptionally high periods of transaction volume, some operators have reported that their servers have completely saturated a 100 megabit/s network link, so a gigabit network interface is required for reliable performance.

Here are examples of observed uncompressed network bandwidth use for common tasks:

Process average transaction volumes2 Mbps up, 2 Mbps down
Process peak transaction volumes>100 Mbps up
Serve historical ledger and transaction reports100 Mbps up
Start up rippled20 Mbps down

You can save bandwidth by enabling compression on peer-to-peer communications, at a cost of higher CPU. Many hardware configurations have spare CPU capacity during normal use, so this can be an economical option if your network bandwidth is limited.

See Also