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The peer_reservations_list method lists peer reservations.

The peer_reservations_list method is an admin method that cannot be run by unprivileged users.

Request Format

An example of the request format:

  "id": "peer_reservations_list_example_1",
  "command": "peer_reservations_list"

This request does not take any parameters.

Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "id": "peer_reservations_list_example_1",
  "result": {
    "reservations": [
        "description": "Ripple s1 server 'WOOL'",
        "node": "n9Jt8awsPzWLjBCNKVEEDQnw4bQEPjezfcQ4gttD1UzbLT1FoG99"
        "node": "n9MZRo92mzYjjsa5XcqnPC7GFYAnENo9VfJzKmpcS9EFZvw5fgwz"
  "status": "success",
  "type": "response"

The response follows the standard format, with a successful result containing the following fields:

reservationsArrayList of existing peer reservations. Each member is a peer reservation object, as described below.

Peer Reservation Object

Each member of the reservations array is a JSON object describing one peer reservation. This object has the following fields:

nodeStringThe [node public key][] of the peer server this reservation is for, as [base58][].
descriptionString(May be omitted) The description provided with this peer reservation, if any.

Possible Errors