Last updated



The submit method applies a transaction and sends it to the network to be confirmed and included in future ledgers.

This command has two modes:

  • Submit-only mode takes a signed, serialized transaction as a binary blob, and submits it to the network as-is. Since signed transaction objects are immutable, no part of the transaction can be modified or automatically filled in after submission.
  • Sign-and-submit mode takes a JSON-formatted Transaction object, completes and signs the transaction in the same manner as the sign method, and then submits the signed transaction. We recommend only using this mode for testing and development.

To send a transaction as robustly as possible, you should construct and sign it in advance, persist it somewhere that you can access even after a power outage, then submit it as a tx_blob. After submission, monitor the network with the tx method command to see if the transaction was successfully applied; if a restart or other problem occurs, you can safely re-submit the tx_blob transaction: it won't be applied twice since it has the same sequence number as the old transaction.

Submit-Only Mode

A submit-only request includes the following parameters:

tx_blobStringYesHex representation of the signed transaction to submit. This can be a multi-signed transaction.
fail_hardBooleanNoIf true, and the transaction fails locally, do not retry or relay the transaction to other servers. The default is false.

Request Format

    "id": 3,
    "command": "submit",
    "tx_blob": "1200002280000000240000001E61D4838D7EA4C6800000000000000000000000000055534400000000004B4E9C06F24296074F7BC48F92A97916C6DC5EA968400000000000000B732103AB40A0490F9B7ED8DF29D246BF2D6269820A0EE7742ACDD457BEA7C7D0931EDB7447304502210095D23D8AF107DF50651F266259CC7139D0CD0C64ABBA3A958156352A0D95A21E02207FCF9B77D7510380E49FF250C21B57169E14E9B4ACFD314CEDC79DDD0A38B8A681144B4E9C06F24296074F7BC48F92A97916C6DC5EA983143E9D4A2B8AA0780F682D136F7A56D6724EF53754"

Try it! >

Sign-and-Submit Mode

This mode signs a transaction and immediately submits it. This mode is intended to be used for testing. You cannot use this mode for multi-signed transactions.

By default, sign-and-submit mode is admin-only. It can be used as a public method if the server has enabled public signing.

You can provide the secret key used to sign the transaction in the following ways:

  • Provide a secret value and omit the key_type field. This value can be formatted as an XRP Ledger base58 seed, RFC-1751, hexadecimal, or as a string passphrase. (secp256k1 keys only)
  • Provide a key_type value and exactly one of seed, seed_hex, or passphrase. Omit the secret field. (Not supported by the commandline syntax.)

The request includes the following parameters:

tx_jsonObjectTransaction definition in JSON format, optionally omitting any auto-fillable fields.
secretString(Optional) Secret key of the account supplying the transaction, used to sign it. Do not send your secret to untrusted servers or through unsecured network connections. Cannot be used with key_type, seed, seed_hex, or passphrase.
seedString(Optional) Secret key of the account supplying the transaction, used to sign it. Must be in the XRP Ledger's base58 format. If provided, you must also specify the key_type. Cannot be used with secret, seed_hex, or passphrase.
seed_hexString(Optional) Secret key of the account supplying the transaction, used to sign it. Must be in hexadecimal format. If provided, you must also specify the key_type. Cannot be used with secret, seed, or passphrase.
passphraseString(Optional) Secret key of the account supplying the transaction, used to sign it, as a string passphrase. If provided, you must also specify the key_type. Cannot be used with secret, seed, or seed_hex.
key_typeString(Optional) Type of cryptographic key provided in this request. Valid types are secp256k1 or ed25519. Defaults to secp256k1. Cannot be used with secret. Caution: Ed25519 support is experimental.
fail_hardBoolean(Optional) If true, and the transaction fails locally, do not retry or relay the transaction to other servers. The default is false. Updated in: rippled 1.5.0
offlineBoolean(Optional) If true, when constructing the transaction, do not try to automatically fill in or validate values. The default is false.
build_pathBoolean(Optional) If this field is provided, the server auto-fills the Paths field of a Payment transaction before signing. You must omit this field if the transaction is a direct XRP payment or if it is not a Payment-type transaction. Caution: The server looks for the presence or absence of this field, not its value. This behavior may change. (Issue #3272)
fee_mult_maxInteger(Optional) Sign-and-submit fails with the error rpcHIGH_FEE if the auto-filled Fee value would be greater than the reference transaction cost × fee_mult_max ÷ fee_div_max. This field has no effect if you explicitly specify the Fee field of the transaction. The default is 10.
fee_div_maxInteger(Optional) Sign-and-submit fails with the error rpcHIGH_FEE if the auto-filled Fee value would be greater than the reference transaction cost × fee_mult_max ÷ fee_div_max. This field has no effect if you explicitly specify the Fee field of the transaction. The default is 1.

See the sign method for detailed information on how the server automatically fills in certain fields.

Request Format

An example of the request format:

  "id": 2,
  "command": "submit",
  "tx_json" : {
      "TransactionType" : "Payment",
      "Account" : "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
      "Destination" : "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
      "Amount" : {
         "currency" : "USD",
         "value" : "1",
         "issuer" : "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn"
   "secret" : "s████████████████████████████",
   "offline": false,
   "fee_mult_max": 1000

Try it! >

Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "id": 1,
  "status": "success",
  "type": "response",
  "result": {
    "accepted" : true,
    "account_sequence_available" : 362,
    "account_sequence_next" : 362,
    "applied" : true,
    "broadcast" : true,
    "engine_result": "tesSUCCESS",
    "engine_result_code": 0,
    "engine_result_message": "The transaction was applied. Only final in a validated ledger.",
    "kept" : true,
    "open_ledger_cost": "10",
    "queued" : false,
    "tx_blob": "1200002280000000240000016861D4838D7EA4C6800000000000000000000000000055534400000000004B4E9C06F24296074F7BC48F92A97916C6DC5EA9684000000000002710732103AB40A0490F9B7ED8DF29D246BF2D6269820A0EE7742ACDD457BEA7C7D0931EDB7446304402200E5C2DD81FDF0BE9AB2A8D797885ED49E804DBF28E806604D878756410CA98B102203349581946B0DDA06B36B35DBC20EDA27552C1F167BCF5C6ECFF49C6A46F858081144B4E9C06F24296074F7BC48F92A97916C6DC5EA983143E9D4A2B8AA0780F682D136F7A56D6724EF53754",
    "tx_json": {
      "Account": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
      "Amount": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "issuer": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
        "value": "1"
      "Destination": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
      "Fee": "10000",
      "Flags": 2147483648,
      "Sequence": 360,
      "SigningPubKey": "03AB40A0490F9B7ED8DF29D246BF2D6269820A0EE7742ACDD457BEA7C7D0931EDB",
      "TransactionType": "Payment",
      "TxnSignature": "304402200E5C2DD81FDF0BE9AB2A8D797885ED49E804DBF28E806604D878756410CA98B102203349581946B0DDA06B36B35DBC20EDA27552C1F167BCF5C6ECFF49C6A46F8580",
      "hash": "4D5D90890F8D49519E4151938601EF3D0B30B16CD6A519D9C99102C9FA77F7E0"
    "validated_ledger_index" : 21184416

The response follows the standard format, with a successful result containing the following fields:

engine_resultStringText result code indicating the preliminary result of the transaction, for example tesSUCCESS
engine_result_codeIntegerNumeric version of the result code. Not recommended.
engine_result_messageStringHuman-readable explanation of the transaction's preliminary result
tx_blobStringThe complete transaction in hex string format
tx_jsonObjectThe complete transaction in JSON format
acceptedBoolean(Omitted in sign-and-submit mode) The value true indicates that the transaction was applied, queued, broadcast, or kept for later. The value false indicates that none of those happened, so the transaction cannot possibly succeed as long as you do not submit it again and have not already submitted it another time.
account_sequence_availableNumber(Omitted in sign-and-submit mode) The next Sequence Number available for the sending account after all pending and queued transactions.
account_sequence_nextnumber(Omitted in sign-and-submit mode) The next Sequence Number for the sending account after all transactions that have been provisionally applied, but not transactions in the queue.
appliedBoolean(Omitted in sign-and-submit mode) The value true indicates that this transaction was applied to the open ledger. In this case, the transaction is likely, but not guaranteed, to be validated in the next ledger version.
broadcastBoolean(Omitted in sign-and-submit mode) The value true indicates this transaction was broadcast to peer servers in the peer-to-peer XRP Ledger network. (Note: if the server has no peers, such as in stand-alone mode, the server uses the value true for cases where it would have broadcast the transaction.) The value false indicates the transaction was not broadcast to any other servers.
keptBoolean(Omitted in sign-and-submit mode) The value true indicates that the transaction was kept to be retried later.
queuedBoolean(Omitted in sign-and-submit mode) The value true indicates the transaction was put in the Transaction Queue, which means it is likely to be included in a future ledger version.
open_ledger_costString(Omitted in sign-and-submit mode) The current open ledger cost before processing this transaction. Transactions with a lower cost are likely to be queued.
validated_ledger_indexInteger(Omitted in sign-and-submit mode) The ledger index of the newest validated ledger at the time of submission. This provides a lower bound on the ledger versions that the transaction can appear in as a result of this request. (The transaction could only have been validated in this ledger version or earlier if it had already been submitted before.)

Even if the WebSocket response has "status":"success", indicating that the command was successfully received, that does not indicate that the transaction executed successfully. Many situations can prevent a transaction from processing successfully, such as a lack of trust lines connecting the two accounts in a payment, or changes in the state of the ledger since the time the transaction was constructed. Even if nothing is wrong, it may take several seconds to close and validate the ledger version that includes the transaction. See the full list of transaction responses for details, and do not consider the transaction's results final until they appear in a validated ledger version.

If this command results in an error message, the message can contain the secret key from the request. (This can only happen in sign-and-submit mode.) Make sure that these errors are not visible to others.

  • Do not write an error including your secret key to a log file that can be seen by multiple people.
  • Do not paste an error including your secret key to a public place for debugging.
  • Do not display an error message including your secret key on a website, even by accident.

Possible Errors

  • Any of the universal error types.
  • amendmentBlocked - The transaction cannot be submitted to the network because the rippled server is amendment blocked.
  • highFee - The fee_mult_max parameter was specified, but the server's current fee multiplier exceeds the specified one. (Sign-and-Submit mode only)
  • internalJson - An internal error occurred when serializing the transaction to JSON. This could be caused by many aspects of the transaction, including a bad signature or some fields being malformed.
  • internalSubmit - An internal error occurred when submitting the transaction. This could be caused by many aspects of the transaction, including a bad signature or some fields being malformed.
  • internalTransaction - An internal error occurred when processing the transaction. This could be caused by many aspects of the transaction, including a bad signature or some fields being malformed.
  • invalidParams - One or more fields are specified incorrectly, or one or more required fields are missing.
  • invalidTransaction - The transaction is malformed or otherwise invalid.
  • noPath - The transaction did not include paths, and the server was unable to find a path by which this payment can occur. (Sign-and-Submit mode only)
  • tooBusy - The transaction did not include paths, but the server is too busy to do pathfinding right now. Does not occur if you are connected as an admin. (Sign-and-Submit mode only)
  • notSupported - Signing is not supported by this server (Sign-and-Submit mode only.) If you are the server admin, you can still access signing when connected as an admin, or you could enable public signing.