Last updated

Request Formatting

Example Request

  "id": 2,
  "command": "account_info",
  "account": "r9cZA1mLK5R5Am25ArfXFmqgNwjZgnfk59",
  "strict": true,
  "ledger_index": "validated",
  "api_version": 1

WebSocket Format

After you open a WebSocket to the rippled server, you can send commands as a JSON object with the following fields:

commandStringThe name of the API method.
id(Various)(Optional) A unique value to identify this request. The response to this request uses the same id field. This way, even if responses arrive out of order, you know which request prompted which response.
api_versionNumber(Optional) The API version to use. If omitted, use version 1. For details, see API Versioning.
(Method Parameters)(Various)Provide any parameters to the method at the top level.

See Response Formatting for the response from the server.


To make a JSON-RPC request, send an HTTP POST request to the root path (/) on the port and IP where the rippled server is listening for JSON-RPC connections. You can use HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1. If you use HTTPS, you should use TLS version 1.2. For security reasons, rippled does not support SSL version 3 or earlier.

Always include a Content-Type header with the value application/json.

If you plan on making multiple requests, use Keep-Alives so that you do not have to close and re-open the connection in between requests.

Send request body as a JSON object with the following fields:

methodStringThe name of the API method.
paramsArray(Optional) A one-item array containing a nested JSON object with the parameters to this method. You may omit this field if the method does not require any parameters.

The object inside the params array can contain the following fields:

api_versionNumber(Optional) The API version to use. If omitted, uses version 1. For details, see API Versioning.
(Method Parameters)(Various)Provide any parameters to the method here.

See Response Formatting for the response from the server.

Commandline Format

Put the API method name after any normal (dash-prefaced) commandline options, followed by a limited set of parameters, separated by spaces. For any parameter values that might contain spaces or other unusual characters, use single-quotes to encapsulate them. Not all methods have commandline API syntax. For more information, see Commandline Usage.

The commandline calls JSON-RPC, so its responses always match the JSON-RPC response format.

The commandline always uses the latest API version.

The commandline interface is intended for administrative purposes only and is not a supported API. New versions of rippled may introduce breaking changes to the commandline API without warning!

API Versioning

The rippled server uses a single integer to identify the API version to use. Currently, there are two API versions: 1 and 2 New in: rippled 2.0.0. The server reports the range of supported API versions in the version API method.

Separate API requests can use different API versions even on the same persistent connection. For example, if you connect WebSocket to a server that supports API versions 1 and 2, you can make an account_tx request using API version 2 and then make another account_tx request using API version 1 from the same connection.

Future versions of rippled that introduce breaking changes will introduce a new API version 3.

Breaking Changes

The following types of changes are breaking changes:

  • Removing or renaming a field of a request or response.
  • Changing the type of a field of a request or response.
  • Changing the meaning of a field of a request or a response.
  • Changing the order of positional parameters, or adding a new field before other positional parameters.
  • Removing or renaming an API method.
  • Changing the behavior of an API function visible to existing clients.
  • The following types of breaking changes only apply to the gRPC API:
    • Changing a proto field number.
    • Removing or renaming an enum or enum value.
    • Adding or removing fields from a oneof.
    • Splitting or merging a oneof.
    • Changing whether a message field is optional, repeated, or required.
    • Changing the stream value of a request or response.
    • Deleting or renaming a package or service.

Any time a full release introduces a breaking change, it introduces a new API version number. Pre-release, beta, and development versions may introduce breaking changes to the same API version number.

Non-Breaking Changes

The following types of changes are non-breaking changes and may occur without a change of API version number:

  • Adding a new field to a request or response, not including positional parameters.
  • Adding a new API method.