
Developer Reflections: CISO Integration for the XRP Ledger

This week on Developer Reflections, we’re proud to highlight CISO™, a product from AnChain.AI. CISO (Compliance, Investigation, Security, Operations) is a SaaS-based cryptocurrency forensics tool designed to allow investigators to more quickly, easily, and intuitively identify bad actor wallets, conduct cryptocurrency forensics, and respond to regulatory inquiries.

CISO connects pseudonymous addresses to real-world entities, and enables users to intuitively graph and investigate cryptocurrency transactions in minutes.

Built using gRPC, JSON-RPC/WebSockets, CISO is live on XRP Ledger Mainnet. Core app features and capabilities include:

  • Risk intelligence using machine learning
  • AML/KYC/CTF compliance
  • AI-enabled automated tracing
  • Interaction graph-based investigation tooling
  • Customizable alerts and monitoring
  • Encryption and data privacy (on-prem and in the cloud)

Screenshot: CISO Integration

Why the XRP Ledger?

As strong supporters of, and builders on, the XRP Ledger, the development team at CISO wants to enable and empower other developers to do the same, in a secure way. They believe that the speed, efficiency, and low fees of the XRP Ledger make it the best environment for technical innovation and development to happen.

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