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The ledger_cleaner command controls the Ledger Cleaner, an asynchronous maintenance process that can find and repair corruption in rippled's database of ledgers.

The ledger_cleaner method is an admin method that cannot be run by unprivileged users.

Request Format

An example of the request format:

    "command": "ledger_cleaner",
    "max_ledger": 13818756,
    "min_ledger": 13818000,
    "stop": false

The request includes the following parameters:

ledgerNumber - Ledger Index(Optional) If provided, check and correct the specified ledger only.
max_ledgerNumber - Ledger Index(Optional) Configure the ledger cleaner to check ledgers with ledger indexes equal or lower than this.
min_ledgerNumber - Ledger Index(Optional) Configure the ledger cleaner to check ledgers with ledger indexes equal or higher than this.
fullBoolean(Optional) If true, fix ledger state objects and transactions in the specified ledger(s). Defaults to false. Automatically set to true if ledger is provided.
fix_txnsBoolean(Optional) If true, correct transaction in the specified ledger(s). Overrides full if provided.
check_nodesBoolean(Optional) If true, correct ledger state objects in the specified ledger(s). Overrides full if provided.
stopBoolean(Optional) If true, disable the ledger cleaner.

Response Format

An example of a successful response:

200 OK

   "result" : {
      "message" : "Cleaner configured",
      "status" : "success"

The response follows the standard format, with a successful result containing the following fields:

messageStringCleaner configured on success.

Possible Errors

  • Any of the universal error types.
  • internal if one the parameters is specified incorrectly. (This is a bug; the intended error code is invalidParams.)