Last updated



The manifest method reports the current "manifest" information for a given validator public key. The "manifest" is a block of data that authorizes an ephemeral signing key with a signature from the validator's master key pair. Updated in: rippled 1.7.0

Request Format

An example of the request format:

    "command": "manifest",
    "public_key": "nHUFE9prPXPrHcG3SkwP1UzAQbSphqyQkQK9ATXLZsfkezhhda3p"
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The request includes the following parameters:

public_keyStringThe base58-encoded public key of the validator to look up. This can be the master public key or ephemeral public key.

Response Format

An example of a successful response:

  "result": {
    "details": {
      "domain": "",
      "ephemeral_key": "n9J67zk4B7GpbQV5jRQntbgdKf7TW6894QuG7qq1rE5gvjCu6snA",
      "master_key": "nHUFE9prPXPrHcG3SkwP1UzAQbSphqyQkQK9ATXLZsfkezhhda3p",
      "seq": 1
    "manifest": "JAAAAAFxIe3AkJgOyqs3y+UuiAI27Ff3Mrfbt8e7mjdo06bnGEp5XnMhAhRmvCZmWZXlwShVE9qXs2AVCvhVuA/WGYkTX/vVGBGwdkYwRAIgGnYpIGufURojN2cTXakAM7Vwa0GR7o3osdVlZShroXQCIH9R/Lx1v9rdb4YY2n5nrxdnhSSof3U6V/wIHJmeao5ucBJA9D1iAMo7YFCpb245N3Czc0L1R2Xac0YwQ6XdGT+cZ7yw2n8JbdC3hH8Xu9OUqc867Ee6JmlXtyDHzBdY/hdJCQ==",
    "requested": "nHUFE9prPXPrHcG3SkwP1UzAQbSphqyQkQK9ATXLZsfkezhhda3p"
  "status": "success",
  "type": "response"

The response follows the standard format, with a successful result containing the following fields:

detailsObject(May be omitted) The data contained in this manifest. Omitted if the server does not have a manifest for the public_key from the request. See Details Object below for a full description of its contents.
manifestString(May be omitted) The full manifest data in base64 format. This data is serialized to binary before being base64-encoded. Omitted if the server does not have a manifest for the public_key from the request.
requestedStringThe public_key from the request.

Details Object

If provided, the details object contains the following fields:

domainStringThe domain name this validator claims to be associated with. If the manifest does not contain a domain, this is an empty string.
ephemeral_keyStringThe ephemeral public key for this validator, in base58.
master_keyStringThe master public key for this validator, in base58.
seqNumberThe sequence number of this manifest. This number increases whenever the validator operator updates the validator's token to rotate ephemeral keys or change settings.

Possible Errors

  • Any of the universal error types.
  • invalidParams - The public_key field was missing or specified incorrectly.
  • reportingUnsupported - (Reporting Mode servers only) This method is not available in Reporting Mode.