Last updated


A Credential entry represents a credential, which contains an attestation about a subject account from a credential issuer account. The meaning of the attestation is defined by the issuer.

(Requires the Credentials amendment )

Example Credential JSON

    "LedgerEntryType": "Credential",
    "Flags": 65536,
    "Subject": "rsUiUMpnrgxQp24dJYZDhmV4bE3aBtQyt8",
    "Issuer": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
    "IssuerNode": "0000000000000000",
    "CredentialType": "6D795F63726564656E7469616C",
    "PreviousTxnID": "8089451B193AAD110ACED3D62BE79BB523658545E6EE8B7BB0BE573FED9BCBFB",
    "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 234644,
    "SubjectNode": "0000000000000000",
    "index": "A738A1E6E8505E1FC77BBB9FEF84FF9A9C609F2739E0F9573CDD6367100A0AA9"

Credential Fields

In addition to the common fields, Credential entries have the following fields:

FieldJSON TypeInternal TypeRequired?Description
CredentialTypeString - HexadecimalBlobYesArbitrary data defining the type of credential this entry represents. The minimum length is 1 byte and the maximum length is 64 bytes.
ExpirationNumberUInt32NoTime after which the credential is expired, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch.
IssuerString - AddressAccountIDYesThe account that issued this credential.
IssuerNodeStringUInt64YesA hint indicating which page of the issuer's directory links to this entry, in case the directory consists of multiple pages.
PreviousTxnIDString - HashHash256YesThe identifying hash of the transaction that most recently modified this entry.
PreviousTxnLgrSeqNumberUInt32YesThe index of the ledger that contains the transaction that most recently modified this entry.
SubjectString - AddressAccountIDYesThe account that this credential is for.
SubjectNodeStringUInt64YesA hint indicating which page of the subject's owner directory links to this entry, in case the directory consists of multiple pages.
URIString - HexadecimalBlobNoArbitrary additional data about the credential, for example a URL where a W3C-formatted Verifiable Credential can be retrieved.

Credential Flags

Credential entries can have the following flags combined in the Flags field:

Flag NameHex ValueDecimal ValueDescription
lsfAccepted0x0001000065536If enabled, the subject of the credential has accepted the credential. Otherwise, the issuer created the credential but the subject has not yet accepted it, meaning it is not yet valid.

Credential Reserve

A credential entry counts as one item towards the owner reserve of the subject account, if the subject has accepted the credential. Otherwise, a credential entry counts as one item toward the reserve of the issuer account.

Credential ID Format

The unique ID of a Credential entry is the SHA-512Half hash of the following values concatenated in order:

  • The Credential space key (0x0044);
  • The Subject field's value;
  • The Issuer field's value; and
  • The CredentialType field's value.