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A DID ledger entry holds references to, or data associated with, a single Decentralized Identifier (DID). You can create or modify a DID by sending a DIDSet transaction.

(Added by the DID amendment)

Example DID JSON

    "Account": "rpfqJrXg5uidNo2ZsRhRY6TiF1cvYmV9Fg",
    "DIDDocument": "646F63",
    "Data": "617474657374",
    "Flags": 0,
    "LedgerEntryType": "DID",
    "OwnerNode": "0",
    "PreviousTxnID": "A4C15DA185E6092DF5954FF62A1446220C61A5F60F0D93B4B09F708778E41120",
    "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 4,
    "URI": "6469645F6578616D706C65",
    "index": "46813BE38B798B3752CA590D44E7FEADB17485649074403AD1761A2835CE91FF"

DID Fields

In addition to the common fields, DID entries have the following fields:

FieldJSON TypeInternal TypeRequired?Description
AccountStringAccountIDYesThe account that controls the DID.
DIDDocumentStringBlobNoThe W3C standard DID document associated with the DID. The DIDDocument field isn't checked for validity and is limited to a maximum length of 256 bytes.
DataStringBlobNoThe public attestations of identity credentials associated with the DID. The Data field isn't checked for validity and is limited to a maximum length of 256 bytes.
LedgerEntryTypeStringUInt16YesThe value 0x0049, mapped to the string DID, indicates that this object is a DID object.
OwnerNodeStringUInt64YesA hint indicating which page of the sender's owner directory links to this entry, in case the directory consists of multiple pages.
PreviousTxnIDStringHash256YesThe identifying hash of the transaction that most recently modified this object.
PreviousTxnLgrSeqNumberUInt32YesThe index of the ledger that contains the transaction that most recently modified this object.
URIStringBlobNoThe Universal Resource Identifier that points to the corresponding DID document or the data associated with the DID. This field can be an HTTP(S) URL or IPFS URI. This field isn't checked for validity and is limited to a maximum length of 256 bytes.

DID Reserve

The account that creates the DID object incurs one owner reserve.

DID Flags

There are no flags defined for DID entries.

DID ID Format

The ID of a DID entry is the SHA-512Half of the following values, concatenated in order:

  1. The DID space key (0x0049).
  2. The AccountID that controls the DID.