

(Requires the PriceOracle amendment )


Creates a new Oracle ledger entry or updates the fields of an existing one, using the Oracle ID.

Example OracleSet JSON

  "TransactionType": "OracleSet",
  "Account": "rNZ9m6AP9K7z3EVg6GhPMx36V4QmZKeWds",
  "OracleDocumentID": 34,
  "Provider": "70726F7669646572",
  "LastUpdateTime": 1724871860,
  "AssetClass": "63757272656E6379",
  "PriceDataSeries": [
      "PriceData": {
        "BaseAsset": "XRP",
        "QuoteAsset": "USD",
        "AssetPrice": 740,
        "Scale": 3

OracleSet Fields

FieldJSON TypeInternal TypeRequired?Description
AccountStringAccountIDYesThis account must match the account in the Owner field of the Oracle object.
OracleDocumentIDNumberUInt32YesA unique identifier of the price oracle for the Account.
ProviderStringBlobVariableAn arbitrary value that identifies an oracle provider, such as Chainlink, Band, or DIA. This field is a string, up to 256 ASCII hex encoded characters (0x20-0x7E). This field is required when creating a new Oracle ledger entry, but is optional for updates.
URIStringBlobNoAn optional Universal Resource Identifier to reference price data off-chain. This field is limited to 256 bytes.
LastUpdateTimeNumberUInt32YesThe time the data was last updated, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch.
AssetClassStringBlobVariableDescribes the type of asset, such as "currency", "commodity", or "index". This field is a string, up to 16 ASCII hex encoded characters (0x20-0x7E). This field is required when creating a new Oracle ledger entry, but is optional for updates.
PriceDataSeriesArrayArrayYesAn array of up to 10 PriceData objects, each representing the price information for a token pair. More than five PriceData objects require two owner reserves.

PriceData Fields

| LastUpdateTime | Number | UInt32 | Yes | The time the data was last updated, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch. |

FieldJSON TypeInternal TypeRequired?Description
BaseAssetStringCurrencyYesThe primary asset in a trading pair. Any valid identifier, such as a stock symbol, bond CUSIP, or currency code is allowed. For example, in the BTC/USD pair, BTC is the base asset; in 912810RR9/BTC, 912810RR9 is the base asset.
QuoteAssetStringCurrencyYesThe quote asset in a trading pair. The quote asset denotes the price of one unit of the base asset. For example, in the BTC/USD pair, BTC is the base asset; in 912810RR9/BTC, 912810RR9 is the base asset.
AssetPriceNumberUInt64NoThe asset price after applying the Scale precision level. It's not included if the last update transaction didn't include the BaseAsset/QuoteAsset pair.
ScaleNumberUInt8NoThe scaling factor to apply to an asset price. For example, if Scale is 6 and original price is 0.155, then the scaled price is 155000. Valid scale ranges are 0-10. It's not included if the last update transaction didn't include the BaseAsset/QuoteAsset pair.

PriceData is created or updated, following these rules:

  • New token pairs in the transaction are added to the object.
  • Token pairs in the transaction overwrite corresponding token pairs in the object.
  • Token pairs in the transaction with a missing AssetPrice field delete corresponding token pairs in the object.
  • Token pairs that only appear in the object have AssetPrice and Scale removed to signify that the price is outdated.

The order of token pairs in the transaction isn't important because each token pair uniquely identifies the location of the PriceData object in the PriceDataSeries.

Error Cases

Besides errors that can occur for all transactions, OracleSet transactions can result in the following transaction result codes.

Error CodeDescription
temARRAY_EMPTYThe PriceDataSeries has no PriceData objects.
tecARRAY_TOO_LARGEThe PriceDataSeries exceeds the ten PriceData objects limit.
tecINVALID_UPDATE_TIMEThe Oracle object has an invalid LastUpdateTime value.
tecTOKEN_PAIR_NOT_FOUNDThe token pair you're trying to delete doesn't exist in the Oracle object.
tecARRAY_EMPTYThe PriceDataSeries has no PriceData objects.
temARRAY_TOO_LARGEThe PriceDataSeries exceeds the ten PriceData objects limit.